A pill bleed is not a period

Did you know that a pill bleed is not the same thing as a true period?

In a normal period, there is a cycle that hormones follow, with a follicular, ovulation and luteal phase, in which levels of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), luteinising hormone (LH), oestrogen and progesterone all fluctuate. 

Birth control pills maintain a high concentration of synthetic oestrogen and progesterone in the bloodstream. This then prevents the production and mid-cycle peak of these hormones and subsequently blocks the release of FSH and LH from our pituitary gland, preventing ovulation. ⁣⁣⁠

The pill switches off our reproductive hormones. 

  • No ovulation = no true period, as a “true period” is a bleed that follows ovulation 

  • No ovulation on the pill = no period, but a pill bleed 

Depending on the pill we are taking, they often contain synthetic oestrogen and progestin. The synthetic oestrogen causes a build up of the uterine lining. Depending on the type of pill, a 28 day supply may contain between 2 - 7 sugar pills, or pills that do not contain any hormones. A pill or withdrawal bleed occurs when taking the sugar pills, because we are no longer taking synthetic progestin, the uterine lining breaks down and voila - pill bleed. 

There is actually no medical or health reason to have a bleed while on the pill. When the pill was invented in the 1950’s, contraception was not yet legal. To get around this, doctors began prescribing the pill as a ruse to “treat female disorders and regulate menstruation”. However this legacy still persists, with doctors today still prescribing the pill to regulate hormones, however we know that the pill cannot regulate hormones, as it switches them off. 

While the act of bleeding is not necessary, periods are NECESSARY, because periods follow ovulation, and ovulation is important for overall health. 

Did you know the difference between a pill bleed and a period? Or is this new information to you? If you need help coming off the pill or balancing your hormones, book in for a complimentary chat to see how naturopathy can help.

Hayley Brass