The Period Problem series: Light periods

Let’s talk about another potential period problem - experiencing periods that are too light, or hypomenorrhea. 

You might be thinking, well that sounds wayyyy better than heavy periods!! But as with everything, there is always that goldilocks zone - not too heavy, not too light, we want our period to be “just right”. 

So what constitutes a light period? Hypomenorrhea is when we are losing 25mL or less of blood each menstrual bleed.  This might look like a bleed that only lasts 1 or 2 days, or using only 5 regular pads or tampons or less throughout the whole menstrual bleed. 

Light periods can occur for several reasons but it is usually related to low estrogen levels or cycles where we don’t ovulate (anovulatory cycles). Contributing factors may include smoking, undereating, eating a lot of soy, elevated stress and/or hyperthyroidism.

Remember it’s entirely normal for oestrogen fluctuates across the menstrual cycle. The drop in progesterone and oestrogen at the end of our menstrual cycle is what triggers the start of our period. Therefore oestrogen is low when menstruation starts, and then builds up in the lead up to ovulation. This rise in oestrogen is critical for ovulation - without enough oestrogen, you cannot ovulate.

Oestrogen is also what causes our menstrual lining to thicken. If oestrogen is too low, we likely haven’t build up a substantial uterine lining, hence the light bleed. 

Along with light periods, other signs of low oestrogen include vaginal dryness, low mood, UTI’s and painful intercourse.

Please note: if your period has always been only 1 or 2 days and you aren’t experiencing any other period or hormone problems, this may be normal for your body. 

But if you are experiencing light periods alongside these low oestrogen symptoms, book in with me so we can investigate.

Hayley Brass