Do you feel horrible around ovulation?

Do you feel horrible around ovulation? And maybe just before your period? 

Check your histamine. 

Histamine is an important chemical needed for a range of body functions including stomach acid production, alertness & appetite, however as with all things, balance is key. 

Oestrogen spikes before ovulation which prompts the brain to increase luteinizing hormone, which triggers the release of the egg from your ovary. However when oestrogen spikes, histamine spikes with it. 

If you experience allergy type symptoms, headaches, anxiety, brain fog, hives, nasal congestion, digestive upset or insomnia around ovulation, it could be elevated histamine or histamine intolerance, which means your body is less efficient at breaking down histamine. Histamine intolerance may occur due to genetics, enzymes not working properly, methylation issues, nutrient deficiencies and more. 

If you experience severe pain around ovulation, this could signify an infection, ovarian cysts or even endometriosis/adenomyosis. Both painful ovulation and histamine symptoms should be investigated for their cause. 

So what’s normal around ovulation? 

It’s normal to feel a slight twinge of pain around ovulation, also known as Mittelschmerz. This is because an egg is rupturing out the side of the ovary! However it should only last for an hour or two. No pain killers should be required and you should be able to go about your routine as normal. Mood is often highest approaching ovulation, thanks to the rise in oestrogen which also increases feel-good chemicals including serotonin, endorphins and dopamine.

If you are having problems with ovulation, reach out as I’d love to help.