Public service announcement: save your hormones, ditch the fragrances

Did you know that synthetic fragrances are considered the new second hand smoke? Crazy right? Just like cigarette smoke, synthetic fragrances pollute the air and wreak havoc with our health. 

Please tell me I’m not the only one who holds their breath walking past Lush, the fragrance counter at David Jones, or the cleaning isle in the supermarket 

Manufacturers get to hide behind the word parfum or fragrance, as these can be considered a trade secret recipe. But this means these synthetic fragrances may be composed of hundreds of synthetic endocrine disrupting chemicals that are wreaking havoc with your hormones and your health. And most of these chemicals aren’t tested for safety 

Synthetic fragrances have been linked to hormone imbalances, respiratory problems, brain fog, allergies, headaches, migraines and more. 

So where to start? 

Bestie, do yourself a favour and yeet that scented candle right out the window. And while you’re at it, check your perfume, air fresheners, scented bin liners, deodorant, laundry detergent, cleaning products, shampoo and anything that has the word “parfum” listed as an ingredient. 

You can either Marie Kondo the lot, or you can gradually one by one replace all of your products with natural versions. Aim for products that contain essential oils as a fragrance instead of synthetic fragrances or parfum.  

Are you mindful of synthetic fragrances?